Mark Sisson's Fave Keto Recipes (2025)

Mark Sisson's Fave Keto Recipes (1)Share on Pinterest

First it was gluten-free, then it was Paleo, and now it’s all about that keto life. Haven’t heard of it yet?

We’re still getting our feet wet when it comes to this trendy way of eating, so we asked Mark Sisson — the keto and health expert behind Mark’s Daily Apple, bestselling author of “The Primal Blueprint,” and founder of Primal Kitchen — to be our featured foodie for this article.

He’s sharing 10 of his favorite keto recipes and why he thinks eating a million avocados per day high fat, low carb diet is good for your health.

Let’s get straight to the point. “A ketogenic diet is under 10 percent energy (calories) from carbohydrates, 10 to 30 percent from protein, and the rest from fat,” says Sisson.Shilpa J, et al. (2018). Ketogenic diets: Boon or bane? DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1666_18

We know what you’re thinking: another low carb diet? But Sisson breaks down the science so it makes sense: When we decrease our carb intake, the way we process fat changes.

For fats to turn into energy (you know, so our bodies can function), they need to bind with a compound called oxaloacetate that comes from carbs.

When we aren’t eating any carbs, we don’t have enough of that compound to pair with fat. So what do our bodies do to prevent us from accumulating fat?

The liver converts the “extra” fatty acids to ketones — an alternative fuel source the muscles and brain can use. This is ketosis. And it’s why the keto diet is all the rage, because eating fat can help burn fat.Masood W, et al. (2019). Ketogenic diet.

Sisson shares a few more benefits of the keto diet:

  • Memory: Can’t remember where you parked your car in the grocery store lot? Keto diets are believed to improve cognitive function in people having difficulty with memory loss.Taylor MK, et al. (2017). Feasibility and efficacy data from a ketogenic diet intervention in Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Sports performance: Avid runner or cyclist? Eating a keto-friendly diet may help you burn fat for fuel before tapping out on glycogen.Chang CK, et al. (2017). Low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet: Can it help exercise performance? DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0025
  • Weight loss: Trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding/reunion/pool party? Research says following a ketogenic diet helps with weight loss.Paoli A. (2014). Ketogenic diet for obesity: Friend or foe? DOI: 10.3390/ijerph110202092

But it ain’t easy in the beginning (the one thing it has in common with all other diets).

“Most people experience the ‘keto flu’ or ‘low carb flu’ for the first week or two of a ketogenic diet,” Sisson says.

He confirms most people complain about lower energy levels, headaches, and poor mental and physical performance early on, but eventually, that fog will lift.

If you’re ready to start experimenting, try Sisson’s favorite keto recipes: his signature big-ass keto salad, beef kebabs, bison chili, fat bombs, and more. We’re jumping on the keto bandwagon because these look to die for.

1. Mark’s big-ass keto salad

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With a whole avocado, a generous chunk of cheese, and a hefty dose of avocado oil-based Primal Kitchen Caesar dressing, Sisson calls this his fat-bomb salad. And that’s a good thing.

2. Smoked salmon and avocado Caesar salad

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Even though bagels aren’t a highlight of the keto diet, you can still eat lox. This smoked salmon and avocado salad is proof you don’t need a ton of ingredients to enjoy a tasty, filling meal.

Top it off with Primal Kitchen Caesar dressing, and you need only crispy romaine lettuce and hearty kale to complete it.

3. Butter lettuce-wrapped shrimp tacos

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Skip taco night at your local Mexican restaurant and bring it to your own kitchen in a much healthier way with these cute little butter lettuce wraps.

Shrimp gets topped off with avocado, Primal Kitchen mayo, and cabbage and then wrapped in butter lettuce. You’re for sure going to consider this keto recipe a new weeknight go-to.

4. Bison chili

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Warning: This recipe is not for the faint of heart. If the thought of offal (that’s the heart, liver, and other organs) scares you… we say take a culinary adventure and try it anyway!

You won’t be able to tell it’s not ground beef, because this warm chili tastes just like the one Mom used to make.

5. Pesto keto cauliflower pizza

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The next time you’re having a pizza party, make it a keto one. Combine cauliflower, egg, coconut flour, and herbs to make a crust that tastes like the real thing.

Top it off with a homemade avocado oil pesto, veggies, and cheese (yes, cheese!), and your friends will be asking where you ordered it. It’s THAT good.

6. Keto ‘potato’ salad

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​Here’s the kicker: This salad has no actual potatoes. Instead, the low carb, keto, Paleo salad has a secret ingredient we know you’ve used before: cauliflower.

With a keto-friendly mayo, hard-boiled eggs to give it some power, and parsley and pickles for extra flavor, the dish proves a potato-less salad can still taste, well, potato-y.

7. Lime and basil beef kebabs

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Have you ever loved the smell of a marinade so much you’re tempted to drink it? (Oh, just us?) This lime and basil marinade will have you at least dipping your finger in for a taste because it smells so good.

After marinating the beef, thread it onto skewers along with chunks of bell peppers and onion. It’ll be the best thing to hit your grill in years.

8. Adaptogenic keto fat bombs

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Fat bombs might not sound like your typical healthy treat, but these prove otherwise. With almond butter, coconut oil, coconut flour, cacao powder, collagen, and chaga mushrooms, they’re basically nutritional magic.

Even though they look like dessert, we think eating them as a sweet breakfast option would work too.

9. Freezer fudge

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Betcha didn’t think there would be fudge on a keto diet. Coconut oil, cocoa powder, almond butter, and a touch of stevia and sea salt all happen to be keto-friendly.

These bites are also a crowd-pleaser, so you can make them for your next party. Did we mention they’re ready in 20 minutes?

10. Primal keto ice cream

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According to Sisson, this is the keto ice cream you’ve been waiting for. It’s creamy, rich, luscious, and made with just five ingredients.

And guess what? There’s no dairy, added sugar, artificial sweeteners, or additives. Here’s his secret: high fat coconut milk, macadamia butter, pure vanilla extract, and Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel.

Mark Sisson's Fave Keto Recipes (2025)


What are big mistakes on keto? ›

Eating too much protein and not enough fats

Proteins as well can cause insulin spikes when over-consumed. The only macronutrient that doesn't spike insulin is pure fat. For this reason, you need to be adhering to very specific fat/carb/protein ratios when following a Keto Diet.

What did Jenna Jameson eat on keto? ›

11:oo a.m.: Her breakfast is 3 hard-boiled eggs and a full avocado, which she sprinkles with Everything But The Bagel seasoning. ~2:oo p.m.: Jenna cooks a steak in a pan with avocado oil and serves it over arugula. ~4: 00 p.m.: She snacks on about a cup of cottage cheese.

What are the itchy spots on keto diet? ›

The ketogenic diet can cause a red, itchy skin rash, which people refer to as keto rash. The medical term for keto rash is prurigo pigmentosa. The keto rash is distinctive as it forms network-like patterns across the skin. It usually affects the upper body.

How to get 2,000 calories a day on keto? ›

Main Components of a Keto Diet

Keto is a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet with moderate protein intake. In a keto diet, your daily calorie consists of macronutrients in the following ratio. So a 2000-calorie diet consists of 1400-1600 calories from fat, 200-400 calories from protein, and 100-200 calories from carbs.

Can I just eat cheese on keto? ›

All types of cheese are allowed on the keto diet, as cheese is relatively low in carbohydrate, which complies with the key principle of the keto diet. The Ketogenic diet or “keto” diet is a low carbohydrate and high fat eating plan.

Can I eat too much cheese on keto? ›

(Just remember: Cheese isn't “unlimited” in a keto diet, as it still contains calories and carbs; it's also high in saturated fat, which is a less heart-healthy option than unsaturated fats, per the American Heart Association.)

What does Kourtney Kardashian eat on keto? ›

The reality TV star shared that her plan this time around is to “eat minimal carbs and no grains, beans, or legumes, and focus on “fresh vegetables and lean proteins.” Unlike keto traditionalists, Kardashian relies on lower-fat proteins and gets her fats from unsaturated sources like avocados, coconuts and fish.

What celebrity has done the keto diet? ›

Halle Berry

She was determined to get off insulin and told Women's Health that cutting out processed carbs and sugar from her diet was the only way to go. The ketogenic diet has become “second nature” to Berry, giving her more energy, and helping her to stay fit and in shape while managing her diabetes.

What does Jillian Michaels say about keto? ›

Michaels encourages people to eat a well-rounded diet

"You don't eat processed sugar, you don't eat processed grains, and to make a very long story short: avoid the keto diet," she said. "Common sense. Balanced diet is key."

What are keto bumps on legs? ›

The keto diet, a high-fat, low-carb plan, isn't without side effects. Some side effects include bad breath, diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, and a skin problem known as keto rash. Keto rash, also called prurigo pigmentosa, is a red, itchy body rash with bumps that can look like a web.

Does ketosis make your face flush? ›

The keto (or ketogenic) diet promotes the production of ketone in the body, which is loosely related with causing skin conditions like acne, rosacea (facial redness), and even skin rashes.

What is the 30 30 30 rule for weight loss? ›

The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state cardiovascular exercise. Beyond these steps, the 30-30-30 method doesn't require any changes to other meals or behaviors, restrictions or counting calories.

What alcohol can you drink on keto? ›

Many low carb alcohol options are available if you follow a keto diet. For instance, pure forms of alcohol like whiskey, gin, tequila, rum, and vodka are all completely free of carbs. You can drink them straight or combine them with low carb mixers for more flavor.

What will ruin ketosis? ›

Sugar and sweetened beverages. Too much fruit. Processed meats (these often have hidden sugars) Fat-free and low-fat dairy (too much lactose, which is a dairy sugar)

How do you tell if keto is bad for you? ›

Keto is not safe for those with any conditions involving their pancreas, liver, thyroid or gallbladder. Someone new to the keto diet can also experience what's called the “keto flu” with symptoms like upset stomach, dizziness, decreased energy, and mood swings caused by your body adapting to ketosis.

What is the hardest week of keto? ›

1.The First 10 Days May Be The Toughest

Many people starting off keto will go through this and it's often referred to as the “Keto Flu”. It's caused by your body adjusting to burning fat for energy instead of carbs and it can make you feel weak and lethargic.

What happens if you eat too many carbs during keto? ›

While cheating may be helpful for some eating patterns, it's far from ideal for the keto diet. That's because this diet relies on your body staying in ketosis. To do so, you need to eat fewer than 50 grams of carbs per day. Eating more than 50 grams can kick your body out of ketosis ( 2 ).


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