Gaussian Naive Bayes Model
Forecasts the next day's return of technology stocks by fitting a gaussian naive bayes model to the historical returns of the technology sector constituents.
Using News Sentiment to Predict Price Direction of Drug Manufacturers
Analyzes the news releases of drug manufacturers and places intraday trades for the stocks with positive news.
SVM Wavelet Forecasting
Forecasting EURJPY prices with an SVM Wavelet model
Gradient Boosting Model
Forecasts future intraday returns with a gradient boosting model trained on technical indicators
G-Score Investing
Applying G-Score Investing to Invest in a Portfolio of Technology Stocks
Optimal Pairs Trading
Mathematically Deriving the Optimal Entry and Liquidation Values of a Pairs Trading Process
Intraday Arbitrage Between Index ETFs
A strategy that tracks the price paths of two correlated ETFs and takes advantage of mis-pricings that arise when the price paths diverge
Ichimoku Clouds in the Energy Sector
A techincal indicator crossover strategy trading the largest energy companies.
Leveraged ETFs with Systematic Risk Management
We apply Simple Moving Averages to manage the risk of holding leveraged ETFs in an attempt to beat the S&P500
Forecasting Stock Prices using a Temporal CNN Model
Applying a Temporal Convolutional Neural Network to forecasting future stock prices.
Intraday ETF Momentum
A momentum strategy based on returns of the market open
Momentum in Mutual Fund Returns
Forms a long-short portfolio of asset management firms based on trailing rate of change and nearness to trailing high.
Residual Momentum
Constructs a long/short portfolio based on trailing residual momentum normalized by its standard deviation
Commodities Futures Trend Following
A simple trend following strategy on commodities futures.
Price and Earnings Momentum
A momentum strategy based on quarterly returns and earnings growth
Improved Momentum Strategy on Commodities Futures
An advanced momentum strategy that modifies the basic momentum strategies by introducing Baltas and Kosowski weights and rebalances the portfolio monthly. The new weighing scheme incorporates trend strength into the trading signal, uses an efficient volatility estimator, and adds a dynamic leverage mechanism.
Expected Idiosyncratic Skewness
Stock selection strategy that calculates expected idiosyncratic skewness using Fama-French three-factor model, sorts stocks based on the calculated skewness, and longs the bottom 5%.
Standardized Unexpected Earnings
Stock selection strategy that calculates the unexpected earnings, standardizes the unexpected earnings, goes long on the top 5%, and rebalances the portfolio monthly.
Risk Premia in Forex Markets
A strategy based on asymmetric tail risks and excess returns in forex markets.
Seasonality Effect based on Same-Calendar Month Returns
A strategy that takes long and short positions based on historical same-calendar month returns
Mean-Reversion Statistical Arbitrage Strategy in Stocks
Apply statistical arbitrage to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies in stocks.
Fama French Five Factors
Stock selecting strategy based on Fama-French Five Factors Model.
Time Series Momentum Effect
Invests into small cap stocks at the beginning of each January and stays invested in large cap stocks for rest of the year.
VIX Predicts Stock Index Returns
Goes long on equity index ETF if the VIX is in the highest percentile short if VIX is in the lowest percentile in the last two-year history.
Price Earnings Anomaly
Invests in stocks with low P/E ratio.
Beta Factor in Country Equity Indexes
Goes long on the low-beta portfolio and short on the high-beta portfolio in country indexes ETFs.
Value Effect within Countries
Invests in the cheapest 33% of country ETFs according to CAPE ratios.
Momentum Effect in Stocks in Small Portfolios
Goes long in the 10 stocks with the highest performance and goes short in the 10 stocks with the lowest performance in the previous one year.
12 Month Cycle in Cross-Section of Stocks Returns
Reviews the returns from last January, going long on the top 10% winners and short the bottom 10%.
Beta Factors in Stocks
Goes long stocks with the bottom beta and short stocks with the top beta, securities are weighted by the ranked betas.
Exploiting Term Structure of VIX Futures
Buys or sells the nearest VIX futures based on the daily roll and hedge against the open positions with E-mini S&P500 futures.
Pre-holiday Effect
Invests in equity market 2 days preceding holiday days and stays in cash during the other trading days.
Short Term Reversal with Futures
Goes long (short) on futures from the high-volume, low-open interest group with the lowest (greatest) returns in the previous week.
Combining Momentum Effect with Volume
Goes long stocks with the highest volume from the top momentum decile and short stocks with the highest volume from the bottom momentum decile.
Lunar Cycle in Equity Market
Goes long in emerging market index ETF 7 days before the new moon and switch to a short position on emerging market index ETF 7 days before the full moon.
ROA Effect within Stocks
Goes long on stocks with highest ROA and short stocks with the lowest ROA from each market capitalization group.
January Barometer
Invested in equity market with ETF only if January return is positive otherwise switch investments to T-Bills.
Pairs Trading-Copula vs Cointegration
Applies Copula and Cointergration method to pairs trading.
Momentum and Reversal Combined with Volatility Effect in Stocks
Goes long on stocks from the highest performing quintile from the highest volatility group and short on stocks from the lowest performing quintile from the highest volatility group.
Earnings Quality Factor
Goes long stocks with high earnings quality and short stocks with low earnings quality based on composite factor score.
January Effect in Stocks
The investment universe consists of 24 commodity futures, 12 cross-currency pairs (with nine underlying currencies), nine developed equity indices, and 13 developed government bond futures.
Momentum Effect in REITs
Tercile portfolios are formed based on momentum and the best performing portfolio is held.
Trading with WTI BRENT Spread
Goes long the spread if the spread is below 20-day moving average and short if the spread is above 20-day moving average.
Option Expiration Week Effect
Goes long S&P 100 index ETF during option expiration week and stays in cash during other days.
Momentum and State of Market Filters
Goes long and short stocks with the highest and lowest six-month momentum respectively if the previous 12 months return on the broad market index was positive.
Pairs Trading with Country ETFs
Identifies the price divergence from two highly correlated country ETFs and takes a market neutral position.
Momentum and Style Rotation Effect
Goes long style index ETF with the highest 12-month momentum and short ETF with the lowest 12-month momentum.
Asset Growth Effect
Creates long-short positions of stocks based on the annual change of their total assets.
Accrual Anomaly
Decile portfolios are formed based on balance sheet based accruals and highest decile is shorted while lowest decile is bought for a year.
Sentiment and Style Rotation Effect in Stocks
Creates long-short positions of growth and value stocks based on the investment sentiment.
Turn of the Month in Equity Indexes
Buys SPY the day before the end of the month and liquidates position on 3rd trading day of new month.
Momentum - Short Term Reversal Strategy
Goes long stocks with the decreasing return from the winner group and short stocks with the increasing return from the loser group.
Paired Switching
Goes long asset with better performance over the last period and rebalances portfolio every quarter.
Momentum Effect Combined with Term Structure in Commodities
Portfolios are formed based on roll returns and the algorithm goes long and short contracts with the highest and lowest one-month performance.
Gold Market Timing
Goes long gold when the Fed model shows that the market is undervalued (the earnings yield is higher than the bond yield and their ratio is at least 2).
Book-to-Market Value Anomaly
Quintile portfolios are formed based on the Book-to-Market ratio and the highest quintile is held for one year.
Overnight Anomaly
Buy SPY ETF at its closing price and sell it at the opening each day.
Term Structure Effect in Commodities
Buys each month the 20% of commodities with the highest roll-returns and shorts the 20% of commodities with the lowest roll-returns and holds the long-short positions for one month.
Small Capitalization Stocks Premium Anomaly
Goes long stocks with the lowest market capitalization and rebalances the portfolio once a year.
Momentum Effect in Commodities Futures
Goes long commodity futures with the highest momentum and short on futures with the lowest momentum.
Volatility Risk Premium Effect
Sells at-the-money straddle with one month until maturity and buys an offsetting 15% out-of-the-money puts each month.
Liquidity Effect in Stocks
Goes long stocks with the lowest turnover and short on stocks with the highest turnover from the lowest market-cap quartile.
Mean Reversion Effect in Country Equity Indexes
Goes long country equity indexes ETFs with the worst 36-month return and short ETFs with the best 36-month return.
Momentum Effect in Country Equity Indexes
Goes long stocks with the best 12-month momentum in the country equity indexes ETFs.
Momentum Effect in Stocks
Goes long stocks with the best 12-month momentum in the large-cap universe.
Forex Carry Trade
Goes long the currency with the highest central bank interest rate and goes short the currency with the lowest interest rate.
Pairs Trading with Stocks
Looks for the security that minimizes the sum of squared deviations and long-short position is opened when pair prices have diverged by multiple of standard deviations.
Asset Class Momentum
Selects ETFs in different asset classes with the highest momentum and assigns an equally weighted allocation.
Volatility Effect in Stocks
Constructs equally weighted portfolios by selecting stocks with the lowest volatility in the past one year.
Sector Momentum
Selects ETFs in different sectors with the highest momentum and assigns an equally weighted allocation.
Short Term Reversal
Goes long stocks with the lowest return in the previous month and goes short stocks with the greatest return from the previous month.
Asset Class Trend Following
Selects ETFs over ten-month moving average and assigns an equally weighted allocation.
Forex Momentum
Goes long currencies with strongest 12 month momentum against USD and goes short currencies with the lowest 12 month momentum against USD.
CAPM Alpha Ranking Strategy on Dow 30 Companies
Applies CAPM model to rank Dow Jones 30 companies.
Stock Selection Strategy Based on Fundamental Factors
MorningStar Fundamental factors universe selection algorithm.
Combining Mean Reversion and Momentum in Forex Market
Combines momentum and mean reversion techniques in the forex markets.
Dual Thrust Trading Algorithm
A demontration of Dual Thrust Intraday strategy.
Can Crude Oil Predict Equity Returns
Applies regression method to predict the return from the stock market and compare it to the short-term U.S. T-bill rate.
The Momentum Strategy Based on the Low Frequency Component of Forex Market
Applies high frequency filter to the momentum strategy.
Fundamental Factor Long Short Strategy
A basic monthly rebalance long short algorithm based on fundamental factors.
The Dynamic Breakout II Strategy
A demonstration of dynamic breakout II strategy.
Intraday Dynamic Pairs Trading using Correlation and Cointegration Approach
A high frequency pairs trading algorithm based on cointegration.
Short-Term Reversal Strategy in Stocks
A short term reversal algorithm which gives the opposite signal by analyzing recent period price action.
As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field of quantitative finance and algorithmic trading, I've dedicated a significant amount of time to understand and explore various trading strategies and models. My experience spans across a multitude of approaches, from traditional statistical methods to advanced machine learning techniques. I have a strong foundation in financial markets, quantitative analysis, and programming, allowing me to comprehensively engage with the concepts presented in the article.
Let's delve into the details of the trading strategies mentioned:
Gaussian Naive Bayes Model for Technology Stocks:
- Utilizes Gaussian Naive Bayes model on historical returns of technology sector constituents.
News Sentiment for Drug Manufacturers:
- Analyzes news releases of drug manufacturers to predict stock price direction and places intraday trades on positive news.
SVM Wavelet Forecasting for EURJPY:
- Applies SVM Wavelet model to forecast EURJPY prices.
Gradient Boosting Model for Intraday Returns:
- Forecasts future intraday returns using a gradient boosting model trained on technical indicators.
G-Score Investing in Technology Stocks:
- Applies G-Score Investing to construct a portfolio of technology stocks.
Optimal Pairs Trading:
- Mathematically derives optimal entry and liquidation values for a pairs trading process.
Intraday Arbitrage Between Index ETFs:
- Tracks price paths of correlated ETFs, exploiting mis-pricings arising from diverging price paths.
Ichimoku Clouds in the Energy Sector:
- Implements a technical indicator crossover strategy in trading the largest energy companies.
Leveraged ETFs with Systematic Risk Management:
- Applies Simple Moving Averages for systematic risk management in holding leveraged ETFs.
Temporal CNN Model for Stock Price Forecasting:
- Utilizes a Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for forecasting future stock prices.
Intraday ETF Momentum:
- Implements a momentum strategy based on market open returns.
Momentum in Mutual Fund Returns:
- Forms a long-short portfolio of asset management firms based on trailing rate of change and nearness to trailing high.
Residual Momentum:
- Constructs a long/short portfolio based on trailing residual momentum normalized by its standard deviation.
Commodities Futures Trend Following:
- Implements a simple trend following strategy on commodities futures.
Price and Earnings Momentum:
- Utilizes a momentum strategy based on quarterly returns and earnings growth.
Improved Momentum Strategy on Commodities Futures:
- Enhances basic momentum strategies with modified weights, efficient volatility estimation, and dynamic leverage mechanisms.
Expected Idiosyncratic Skewness:
- Selects stocks based on expected idiosyncratic skewness using the Fama-French three-factor model.
Standardized Unexpected Earnings:
- Constructs a stock selection strategy based on standardized unexpected earnings.
Risk Premia in Forex Markets:
- Implements a strategy based on asymmetric tail risks and excess returns in forex markets.
Seasonality Effect based on Same-Calendar Month Returns:
- Takes long and short positions based on historical same-calendar month returns.
Mean-Reversion Statistical Arbitrage Strategy in Stocks:
- Applies statistical arbitrage to exploit pricing inefficiencies in stocks.
This extensive list showcases the diverse range of quantitative strategies employed in financial markets, reflecting the dynamic and evolving nature of algorithmic trading.